Why Vitamins Are Vital for Today’s Season


For those who are so used to the hot weather, a change of pace in the cold is nice. However, being in the cold is not that great as you can get sick quite easily. You need to take vitamins for adults and kids alongside your daily nutritional diet to make sure that you don’t get sick. Scroll down to take a look at why it’s important and what should you take.

Temperatures Drop, Sickness Rises

Weather is not entirely responsible for sickness. In reality, it’s the viruses. When it’s colder, viruses are able to spread faster. Being exposed to cold, dry air can also impact your immunity system. Infections can occur if your body temperature is below average. This is why its important to stay warm and cozy during cold weather. The temperature of your body needs to be in equilibrium so the immune system functions properly to fight off any dangerous infections.

One reason is failing micronutrients, this commonly arises as an effect of not taking any factors of medicine for your immune system mainly Vitamin C.

Deteriorating Micronutrients may result to some serious complications, such as:

  • Anemia – This type of disease may occur when your body refuses to properly absorb the nutrients from foods. A condition known as lacking of red blood cells or hemoglobin, marked by iron deficiency, vitamin D and B12.
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Decreased ability to fight infection and wound-healing – Vitamin C has an important role of being able to fix tissues needed to heal from wounds and for growth.

Cold Season Vitamins

It’s recommended that on top of your healthy diet and exercise, an added boost of vitamins can help prevent sickness. Even if it’s not cold, it’s important to take vitamins to ensure that your body is always getting the proper nutrients it needs. You can see the effects of the vitamins depending on your metabolism. For the cold season, boost your immune system and metabolism with extra vitamins. 

Vitamin D

If you live in an area that’s dark and lacks a lot of sunlight, you can possibly get vitamin D deficiency. When your skin is exposed to the sun, it naturally produces this vitamin. The lack of sunlight can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to infections. If you can help it, soak in a little bit of sun or take some supplements during this colder season to prevent these problems from happening.

You can also eat vitamin D rich food such as fish, eggs, dairy, and mushrooms. But if you have an inherent vitamin D deficiency, you will have to visit your doctor for more information and proper treatment. Supplements and a different diet may not be enough to treat vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin C

Did you know that vitamin C doesn’t actually protect you from colds? That’s a common misconception but that doesn’t mean you have to stop taking it. In reality, vitamin C shortens the length of time of your sickness. The body can easily ward off sickness causing germs with the right amount of vitamin C circulating in your blood. Be sure to eat food such as bell peppers, oranges, broccoli, and cranberries for a natural source of vitamin C alongside your supplements to prevent vitamin C deficiency.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B such as folic acid is an important vitamin that directly contributes to the growth and reproduction of your cells. It’s important for pregnant ladies and for your DNA and RNA. When you lack folic acid, you’ll notice that you get sick quicker and your immune system is weaker. If you have intestinal problems or have a bad habit of drinking alcohol, it’s important to have folic acid in your system as much as possible to prevent sickness. It also helps any individuals who have blatant alcoholism, thus speeding up recovery.

You can find a lot of delicious sources of folic acid besides your typical supplements. Eat leafy greens, beans, cherries, strawberries, and peanuts as snacks or added ingredients to your diet. Remember to avoid overdoing it and keep the right balance. Consult your doctor about the daily intake you need just to be sure.

Vitamin A

The body is able to create its own source of vitamin A called beta-carotene. This is commonly associated with your eyesight. Vitamin A is known for helping out with your vision but it can also be used to accelerate your immune response and reduce the risk of infection. If you lack vitamin A you will find that you’ll get sick more often. It’s important to balance vitamin A into your diet to help boost your body and protect itself from the perils of cold-weather sickness.

Combine your supplements with an effective diet. You can eat food such as tuna, eggs, dairy, carrots, vegetables, and leafy greens. You don’t have to eat these by itself and you can create your own unique recipes by searching online. A little bit of effort in your diet and lifestyle can ensure that you get all the nutrients you need.

Key Takeaway

Vitamins for adults and kids are important. If you want to keep up with the changes in weather and protect yourself from sickness this cold season, you need the help of a good diet and vitamin supplements. When you start making these changes, you’ll start to notice a huge difference in your energy, immunity, and metabolism. If you’re still unsure, you can ask your doctor for more information about the right vitamins you should take.

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